Wednesday 18 January 2012

So much to tell you and so little time...

Its the middle of January of the New Year and I'm finally back online!!!

So much has happened between my last post and this one its difficult to know where to begin. I guess the start is as good a place as any.

As regular readers of my blog will know I moved house at the end of October. When I say moved house, what I actually mean is I packed up all my stuff in to a massive van and left my flat in London... And then unloaded all my stuff in to a storage unit in Birmingham.

That's where my stuff stayed until the 20th December when my wife, the saint that she is, found us a house and moved all our stuff for the second time out of the storage unit and in to the new place. Somehow (and this is knowledge known only to wives) she managed to get everything unpacked and sorted out in time for Christmas!

I'm talking a lifetime of magical paraphernalia, all the junk that every couple thats been together for a decade seems to collect, furniture and other nonesense all taken from the unit to the house and packed away. And done WITHOUT OUR VAN because I had it!

Not only that, but she also managed to set up the Christmas tree and erect all the other decorations as well as getting down the shops and buying all the Christmas food. And I'm talking big traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

Oh, and she continued to work 9-5 whilst doing all this.

Talk about legendary.

Where was I?

A good question. Whilst all this was happening I was working with my good friend Chris Williams (who's known to the world as Harley the Clown) at a grotto in Liverpool. And yes, before you ask I was playing the jolly fat man himself. Chris, if anyone's interested, was an elf.

We started in November and over 8000 children later we finished on Christmas eve.

For those unfamiliar with the geography of the UK, Liverpool is a 2-hour drive away from Birmingham when traffic is good. Christmas eve isn't that well known for having good traffic and so it took me closer to 4 hours before I got home.

But get home I did and my loving wife had created the perfect Christmas.

Hang on a minute, Christmas was nearly a month ago. Why's it taken you so long to get online. Well that's the topic of my next rant. In fact it's such an important rant that I'm going to give it its own space.

See you in a few moments.........

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